We live in a materialistic world where possessions are a symbol of success and happiness. Your status depends on how many dresses you own, how many shoes you have or just the keepsakes you have in your living room.

In a time when everyone is trying to convince us to buy more items, how can we even imagine getting rid of something, especially when our self-worth is attached to it?
But having so many items ends up creating a cluttered space and, in turn, a cluttered mind.
However difficult, decluttering sentimental items can bring us peace, contentment, and calm. The first step to getting rid of sentimental items is understanding why you must declutter your home and mind.
Let us dive into the journey of letting go of things.

Understanding The Emotional Attachments To Items

We often get attached to our things, and this attachment goes beyond their use or value. You might be holding on to that frying pan that you no longer use because it was the first thing you bought from your salary, or maybe your child’s old clothes from when he was a baby because you miss that time as a mom! 

Getting emotionally attached to items is not a crime! But sometimes, it leads to emotional clutter. 

If your emotional attachment leads to a cycle of constant accumulation of stuff, you are in an emotional clutter, and you need to re-analyse what to do with sentimental items.

How To Declutter Sentimental Items

 decluttering sentimental items

If you have come here, you know you need an emotional declutter. So, without beating around the bush, let’s understand how to get rid of sentimental clutter.
You cannot get rid of everything dear to you. Emotional decluttering is easier said than done. But with a few practical tips, you can prepare yourself for decluttering emotional clutter:

  • Start Small

    You don’t have to declutter your entire house. Start with a small part of it, like your wardrobe, loft, or trunk. Begin with a few items rather than tackling everything at once. 

    This helps you ease into the process without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Define Your Why

    Why are you decluttering emotional clutter? If you don’t have motivation, you might not be able to carry on. 
    Whether it’s creating more space or simplifying your life, keeping your goal in mind can guide your decisions.

  • Sort by Category

    Once you know why you are decluttering, start making categories and divide your stuff into the categories. 
    You can group items into categories according to the emotion you feel. It could be social validation, nostalgia or FOMO. If something reminds you of your childhood or your beautiful past experiences, it will fall under the category of nostalgia. If you bought it because it was trendy or everyone else had it, categorise it under FOMO and so on.
    This makes it easier to focus and compare items within each category.

  • Ask the Right Questions

    For each item, ask yourself: 
    Does this bring me joy?
    Does it serve a purpose in my life today?
    Would a photo or note help me remember this moment instead?
    This will give you clarity of what stuff to keep, what to keep in a photograph, and what to ger rid of.

  • Preserve Memories Digitally

    In the era of mobile phones, it is super easy to click and keep pictures of the things you love. For example, instead of keeping your child’s old clothes, take their photograph and donate the clothes.
    Store these digitally for easy access.

  • Set Limits

    Decide on a specific space or box to store sentimental items and keep only what fits inside. Be strict with yourself when getting rid of sentimental items

  • Donate or Repurpose

    If you are wondering what to do with sentimental items, consider giving items a new life by donating or repurposing them. Knowing that they’ll bring joy to someone else can make letting go of things easier.

  • Seek Support

    If you’re struggling with decluttering sentimental items, involve a professional organiser to provide perspective and encouragement. 

    There is no shame in asking for help. 


Getting rid of sentimental items may seem daunting, but the process of emotional decluttering is very rewarding. When you let go of things from your mind, you make space to welcome new memories and experiences. 
You don’t have to be a minimalist to have a clutter-free and organised home. You can simply get rid of sentimental clutter to gain clarity and perspective.
Now that you know how to declutter sentimental items, enjoy the process of decluttering emotional clutter.
If you need support or help, get in touch with a professional home organiser. Arrange It All is India’s top professional organising brand that you can reach out to for decluttering your space.
Arrange It All offers multiple services like home re-organisation, house setup services and DIY consulting for home organising so that you can have a clutter-free home.

FAQs on Emotional Clutter

  • Why do I have a hard time letting go of things?

    If you have a hard time letting go of things, you might have an emotional clutter. Focus on what’s important, and try getting rid of sentimental items that you no longer use. Decluttering sentimental items can be liberating and refreshing.

  • Why is letting go so painful ?

    Letting go of things can feel painful in the beginning because you are emotionally attached to them. But sometimes, it is best to get rid of them and start fresh. If your items are stopping you from living a normal life, causing you anxiety, or overwhelming you, it is better to declutter your emotional clutter.

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