Many of us have become obsessed with organizing our spaces post the pandemic. A lot of that obsession has got to do with being at home with all the members of the family – the feeling of too many people and their things cramped into tight spaces. A disorganized environment can be one of the top reasons for lack of focus, binge-watching shows, snacking, poor sleep at night, and increased housework. So, if you suddenly find yourself wanting to declutter and organize your home, we’re happy to help.

Once home decluttering and tidying are at the top of your mind, you may think the first step is to buy organization products. But allow us to stop you right there – your goal is to remove the clutter and create more storage space. Purchasing new products is counterproductive to this goal. We agree, a trip to Ikea or a quick peek at the Amazon website can be exciting and will have you spending your money in a jiffy; take our advice, and step back. Shopping for storage items is one of the last steps in organizing spaces.

Don’t start backward and buy products that add to the clutter. Here’s a smart roadmap on how to begin and follow through your home organization journey:

1. Evaluate your spaces – the first step of an organization project is to examine the spaces you wish to organize. These could be wardrobes, bedrooms, kitchens, or even the pantry. Try to assess what the problem areas are. Understand why the space fails you right now. For instance, is your wardrobe space so cramped that you cannot even pull out a t-shirt without upsetting an entire column of clothes? Are your groceries stored haphazardly, so you cannot find a jar of lentils when you need them? Once you know what a space’s specific problems are, you can easily decide the course of action. Now, make a plan on what you want the space to do for you in the future.

2. Declutter – the next step, naturally, is to get rid of things you don’t need. This is also one of the hardest to do in an organization project. Clothes you haven’t worn in over a year, flimsy utensils, damaged storage baskets, broken tools, things you had thrown into a “repair” pile, etc. must all go out. Decluttering is an important step in reorganizing your spaces as they give you a good idea of what are the important things you want to keep and find the right storage for.

3. Create categories – categories help create storage the right way. Creating categories of items that are similar allows you to store them together, so you can find them easily. Say, you store your different pairs of sneakers together on the bottom shelf of your shoe rack. Next time you’re going for a jog, you’ll know where to look for them, instead of searching for them at the door, under the bed, or between others pairs of shoes. Or you create categories of different makeup items, which helps you find your eye makeup easily and not rummage through your entire collection of make-up, skin care products, and hair accessories on your dressing table.

4. Measure your spaces – it’s important to assess what you already have and size them up, literally – cupboards, shelves, drawers, containers. Measure how wide, long and deep they are to get an idea of what can be stored in them. For example, if you think buying shelf dividers can help create clear spaces for your clothes in your wardrobe, measure the shelves in the cupboards before you buy dividers to figure out what size of the latter would fit perfectly into the shelves. Do the same with storage boxes and containers. Pull them out and check their sizes to know what items can fit into them. Don’t assume something would fit into a storage solution without examining it first. You save time, money, and effort this way.

5. Make a list – this is where you put your plan (from step 1), compare it with what storage you own already and what your categories are, and then make a list of what you need. You’re probably thinking of jars, extra shelving, organizing trays, hangers, under-the-bed storage, racks, bins, etc. Instead, think along the lines of what type of items need storage, where these will be placed (with measurements in mind), what type of material should the storage solution be, and is there a color or style preference – (if you have a theme in mind), does it have to be water-proof/airtight, etc., will it be hidden or visible, should it be pulled out or carried (depending on how heavy the items inside will be), and so on.

6. Go window shopping – armed with this powerful list, you can now set out for some window shopping. Remember, you might still not purchase anything. The idea is to find inspiration, figure out what’s available that’s closest to what you have in mind, and assess if you need to make some changes to your plan. Window shopping shouldn’t confuse you; instead, allow it to strengthen your resolve and enhance your organization’s goals. This is also a good place to fix a budget. Organization projects can get pretty expensive if you don’t put a cap on them.

7. Review, revise, repeat – you may need to review and revise your plan a couple of times to arrive at a final list of your storage needs. Once you’re there, go ahead, and shop for essentials. Yet, never get carried away. You don’t want to go back to where you started.

Mistakes to avoid

1. Focusing only on aesthetics – organization is not about beautifying; it’s about getting your spaces and your life in order. Focus on practicality first.

2. Getting over-inspired by others – what works for someone may not work for you. Remember to personalize.

3. Shopping mindlessly – when you’re buying storage, stick to a basic theme. For example, if you’re picking boxes to go into cupboards, choose them in the same style, color, and material for a consistent appearance.

Why you might need a professional organizer

Organization projects can be more challenging than you expect. Getting rid of things you’ve collected over decades can be hard, especially when you’ve memories attached to them. A professional organizer brings, with their experience, a sense of objective judgment that will help you get a better perspective of your situation and prioritize your present and future.

An organizer will also help curb over-enthusiasm that can lead to irreversible mistakes. They can assist you in achieving long-term goals within a reasonable budget, whereas, on the contrary, you could end up spending a lot more on a lot less.

For some people, measuring spaces, assessing and comparing storage products, etc. can be overwhelming. The journey of organizing may feel endless or you might find yourself stuck at various stages. Here’s where a skilled organizer can step in and curate the entire organization project using their expertise. All you’ve to do is communicate your needs; it’s that’s simple!

Got any questions or need help with an organization project? Reach out in the comment section or write to us at [email protected]

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